Saturday, August 1, 2009

July results

Well... let's just say thankfully I didn't make any prop bets. If I did I would definitely got pwned. As it turned out I made one of the 2 goals in the last minute. I won $593.70 for cash games (25NL, 50NL, and 100NL), and did not play any SNG after the last post. I'm still up on SNG about $40.30 for July. Even though I didn't make both my goals but I'm happy with $634 for the month.

The most important thing came out of this month was I did some sweat sessions with a couple of guys who really could talk poker. They are both new at 100NL FR but I can tell they are going to be good players later on. They helped me think about the game and what kind of hands I should be playing in position and out of position. I feel much more confident playing 50NL now than ever before. Hopefully there will be more sweat sessions in the future.

One coaching hour from jrockhaf and some sweat sessions were not enough for me. So I decided to buy a month subscription from I will be watching and try to learn from the training videos as much as I can.

Here are the graphs of both PokerTracker 3 (trial) and Pokercopilot for cash and SNG respectively.

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