Saturday, June 26, 2010

Done with volume probet

I'm officially got one of the prop bets done. Played over 75K hands so far this month. So the WR prop bet is left. Like other teams, our team is not doing well atm. I got only 1.75BB/100 so far over 30K hands. I'm gonna try to get it up to 3BB/100 at the end of the bet. Hopefully other members who have negative WR get back to the black. It's gonna be a close race since every team is running bad so I think if the team average 2BB/100 will win the bet. I'm looking at get a lot more volume in the rest of the month.

Here's the graph so far for the month. You are probably wondering WTF is that spike in the graph :) I actually took a shot at 600NL lol. It's more like bum hunting a fish. What! me bum hunt 600nl player? Who says 25nl players don't bum hunt LOL. It's actually a fish I have played before at 25NL and he's so bad that I had to get on his tables. It sounds obscured for micro limit player to sit on those tables, but my BR can take a hit at the mid stakes. Well it worked out :)

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