I've been slacking off about blog updates lately due to no interesting things to say or show. I've been all over the tables: single table SNGs, MTTs, cash games, HU, super turbos, normal turbos, etc. I'm really confused and don't know what to. I can't focus on one game (ADD/ADHD?). I'm bouncing all over the place and trying to stick to what I want. I need help finding the right game and the game I can win consistently. I always start one game, crush it for a week or two, love it, and than hit a downswing, than BOOM, I hate the game and quit. This seems to happen all the time! I'm not sure what it is, maybe lack of motivations?
The last 3 months are pretty much all SNGs. I played quite a bit of super turbos. I like it cause it's all push or fold and it's really quick. I can play minimum of 60 games an hour. These are about the only games that run consistently on Merge network. Everything else is super slow to load up. Overall I'm a slight winner pre-rakeback, some where around 1% ROI. I'M very pleased with the results. Most people don't know how hard it is to beat these super tourbos. The best regs only get 2-3% ROI in the games. The edge is really small so most players here are in for the rakeback. It's a brutal game, you can go on a 200-300 buyins swings everyday or week easily. This is what I'm experiencing ATM. So I stopped and am taking a break from it. The last 2 weeks are HU SNGs and mixed in some single table SNGs. They both been really good for me. So right now, I'm debating which one I should focus on. Money wise I should stick to single tables where I play a little bit higher stakes. HU games are at the lowest stake and will be moving up soon.
So that's my dilemma at the moment, lost and confused :) Oh well, we'll see what happens next. On a positive note my bankroll is at all time high $1,273 +$35 I spent on a super turbo coaching session. That's all folks!
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